Sell tether (Crypto Assets)
Here will explain how to sell tether (Crypto Assets) in your T2PAY account.
1. Access the “Crypto assets / tether” page
After logging in, click “Crypto Assets” > “tether” on the left menu.
2. Access the tether/sell page
Click the "Sell" section > "Sell".
3. tether・Input selling price
Input the selling amount.
The minimum selling amount is 500USDT. Input an amount greater than or equal to 500.
Gas Fee will be displayed under the input field, so check it.
4. Confirmation of tether/sale profit
The selling profit will be displayed and calculated according to the input amount.
5. tether・sell
Click the "Sell" button to execute the tether sell.
This is the end of selling tether (crypto assets) instructions.
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